Learning Today for Living Tomorrow
We hope you enjoy reading and looking at all the fun we get up to in P1.
Have a look at some of the amazing things we have been up to.
Under the Sea Exhibition
Today in school, P1 hosted their 'Under the Sea' Exhibition. Each child in the class created their own 'Under the Sea' piece of art for the exhibiton. We are totally blown away with the amount of time and effort that has been spent making each piece unique and 'seatacular'!! Thank you to everyone for all your hard work. P1, you are all Superstars!!
A big STARfish well done!!
Ahoy there Matey's!!
This term in P1, our topic is Pirates. The children are really enjoying our Pirate topic and are having lots of fun taking on the role of a Pirate. Pirate Pete has been sending the children secret pirate challenges to help him and his crew find and protect the treasure!! Have a look at some of the brilliant things we have been up to!! Shiver me timbers...P1 have been busy!!
Happy Valentine's Day from Everyone in P1!!
We're going on a Bear Hunt
Over the past few weeks in P1, we have been reading the story, 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. We have been enjoying completing a wide range of activities based on the story. Today we recieved a letter from the Bear, who wanted to play, 'Hide and Seek' with P1. We followed the clues he left and went on a Bear Hunt to see if we could find him. We couldn't believe our eyes when we found him, having lots of fun in our Outdoor area. We weren't scared!!
Amazing Measures
In numeracy, we have been looking at Measures. We have been exploring weight, length and capacity. The children have enjoyed experimenting with and measuring various items from around our classroom. P1 are amazing at measuring and had lots of fun!!
Brilliant Balancing in Primary 1!!
In P.E, we have been completing Gymnastics. Our focus this term has been, Balance. The children have been learning to Balance on Points and Patches. They have been brilliant!! Have a look at some of our amazing balances.
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
Over the past few days in Primary 1, we have been exploring and observing the season, Winter. We are identifying changes in our weather, our outdoor area and learning about animals we see at this time of the year. We are enjoying wrapping up warm and observing the signs of Winter outdoors...we couldn't believe it when we woke up to some snow!!
Happy New Year!!
Merry Christmas from Everyone in Primary 1!!
Over the past few weeks in P1, we have been busy preparing for Christmas and enjoying the Christmas Festivities in school. We have been exploring the busy role of the Post Office at this time of the year, helping the Elves make toys in Santa's Workshop, decorating Santa's Grotto and our classroom with beautiful Christmas decorations. Have a look at the 'merry' things we have been up to.
Merry Christmas!!
Autumn Fun in Primary 1!!
We have been enjoying exploring and observing the signs of Autumn. We went on an Autumn walk around the school grounds and completed a Scavenger Hunt looking for signs of Autumn. During Indoor and Outdoor Play we have been observing changes in the weather and Autumnal colours, using natural materials to create pictures/collages, painting Autumn Trees, and learning about animals found in Autumn. P1 have been very busy!!
Amazing Writing
We have been learning to write our names in P1. All the children have been working very hard on their pencil control and letter formation.
Well done, Primary 1!!
Primary 1 painted fabulous Self Portraits.
Class of 2022/23!!
Look at all the fun we have been having!
Aye Aye, Captain!